At the very top of the list of things I wish I knew much sooner in life is the fact that being physically stronger helps to burn more overall body fat. For a few reasons which will be revealed in this article.
This industry over-complicates fat loss, when it’s actually pretty simple. Not easy, but simple.
The reason so many stay stuck is because the approach that is being sold is, in many cases unsustainable, in some cases a complete red herring, and thankfully, in fewer cases; outright dangerous.
If you have been struggling with fat loss, this content is for you.
Why Being Stronger Helps You Burn More Fat Contents
The Diet & Exercise Trap
You’ve probably already heard; “eat less & move more”, or “you need to be in a calorie deficit” regurgitated to the point that it makes you wonder if those people who say those words even know what they’re talking about?
Well, the truth is, both of the above statements are factually correct.
The problem is, people need more information, more direction, and basically; more than a couple of clichéd words.
Anyone sick of hearing the same old story that offers you nothing tangible to move forward on, keep reading.
Diet & exercise is a trap, it’s a hamster wheel that so many people, women especially, spend their entire life on.
Ask yourself this; if diet and exercise worked, why do we have so many people still struggling to be satisfied with their physical appearance?
Why has worldwide obesity more than doubled since 1990?
Eat And Train
One of the main reasons simply eating less and moving more results in a never ending cycle, that leads to exhaustion, is because there is only so much you can reduce your daily calories by, and only so much physical exercise you can do in a day.
Furthermore, if you’ve been heavily reducing your calories and doing excessive cardio, you may have lost weight, but a portion of that will have come from your lean muscle reserve.
And then the plateau happens.
What do you do when you’ve diet and exercised your way into a weight loss plateau?
This happens a lot, it’s not uncommon for women to come to us completely exhausted and at a complete loss for what to do next.
So now your goal needs to be switched to recovering some of that lean muscle wastage. Which in turn will contribute towards speeding up your metabolism, making you stronger and more able to perform daily strength exercises, with much more ease.
Ever heard someone say they lost weight and now they need to “tone up”?
Well, what we say here is a bit different, we say; build muscle now to help you lose weight, which will actually be body fat and not your lean muscle reserves.
Even if you have already lost the weight you want to lose, all is not lost.
Now is the time for you to embrace eating and training.
Be completely gym independent >>>
Eat More And Do Less
And here it is, the contradiction of all contradictions which is actually the solution to so many peoples plateau problems.
Enter a calorie surplus, combined with less cardio and more functional/strength training.
To add a disclaimer, this approach is only applicable if you’ve reduced your calories close to or beyond your TDEE. Your TDEE is your total daily energy expenditure and you can learn more about it here.
And/or if you have got to the point where you are doing excessive cardio, i.e. more than an hour a day, everyday and getting nowhere.
Unless you’re a professional athlete, more than an hour of cardio a day is unnecessary. What are you aiming for?
If you’re aiming for endurance or training for that very purpose, or maybe you genuinely enjoy it, then continue as you are.
But if you’re thinking it’s going to solve your body fat issues, it’s a losing battle.
As alluded to above, you only have so many hours a day that you can commit to cardio, and you can only reduce your calories so far before you start playing a dangerous game with your life.
If what you’ve been doing has stopped working you need to switch things up and do something different.
Being Stronger Helps You Burn More Fat
When you focus your workouts on physical strength, you start to play a new game, a more sustainable and rewarding game that will not only help you burn more fat, but will see you empowered beyond anything you can currently imagine.
The reason being stronger helps burn more fat is:
Boosted Metabolism
The additional lean muscle you build through strength training contributes towards speeding up your metabolism.
This may seem like not much of a big deal in the beginning, it does take time, but with a continuous effort to cause this shift in your overall body composition, you are able to build more lean muscle over time.
The effects are compounding, it is the consistent small changes that have the biggest impact on your long term results.
Move More Weight
When you’re physically stronger, you can move more overall weight in the gym. The more you lift, the more you “burn” during your workout and after as your muscles work to repair themselves from your workout.
All of this keeps your metabolism working, throughout your workout and while you sleep, which increases your fat burning potential.
More Likely To Show Up
Everybody enjoys doing the things they’re good at, and while you may not feel like a pro at first, I promise you that the more you lift, the stronger you’ll get, and as you get stronger you will feel empowered to keep going.
Consistency trumps any individual training style. None of it works if you don’t show up to do it, and you’ll find that most of it works if you just get it done.
Super Powers
Honestly, if you switch the entire focus of your workouts to physical strength, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you begin to feel like you have super powers.
Fat Burning Machine
Over time, your body slowly starts to become a more efficiently run fat burning machine.
Is it easy? NO!
Does it work? YES!
This isn’t one of those “it worked for me” methods, this works for every physically able person, without exception.
This is why pro athletes can consume 3000+ calories every day and still stay lean. They’re eating and training in line with their own “machine”.
Remember that creating a calorie deficit isn’t just eating less, it’s about consuming less than your overall daily calorie burn. This is your TDEE which was mentioned and linked to above. Everybody has a different TDEE, depending on your BMR and daily activity.
With strength training you gradually, over time increase your TDEE, so that means you don’t have to keep eating less to lose fat, you just have to be more strategic about your approach to eating and training.
The Fat Loss Formula
The fat loss formula that we share has been used in bodybuilding for decades, because it works. You don’t need to be a bodybuilder to use this method, and you don’t need to take your body fat percentage as low as a bodybuilder would.
All you need is to understand the formula to fat loss so that you can tap into it as and when you need to.
So many people struggle to achieve their fat loss goals because they try to do everything at once.
The Fat Loss Formula doesn’t do that, instead this is a staged approach to not just losing body fat, but also maintaining it.
You can learn more about the Fat Loss Formula here >>>
Other Workout Plans To Support A Fat Loss Goal
The Fat Melter
As has been stated in this article, the more lean muscle you have, the faster you burn through fat. This Fat Melter plan will help you to build the muscle so you can melt the fat.
Learn more about the Fat Melter Plan here.
Mass Builder
Not for the faint hearted, this plan uses volume training for maximum mass.
Learn more about the Mass Builder Plan here.
7 Day Cut
This is not a diet plan, it’s your 7 day training routine to support you while you’re in your cutting phase.
Learn more about the 7 Day Cut Plan here.
Learn more about bulking and cutting in general here >>>
Explore All Plans
There is no one single plan that will get you from where you are now to where you want to be. There is no “ultimate” workout or training style that will solve your fat loss problems.
Continuous effort in the right direction is the winning formula.
Expect to need to change your workouts along the way, and expect that you’ll need to tweak your diet along the way.
Our goal is to teach you how to do those things for yourself, so that you can get off the diet and exercise hamster wheel and start working towards long term, sustainable results.
Focus on physical strength and the rest will slowly start to fall into place.
All of our workout plans are designed to get you physically stronger.
Our offering is so vast because it needs to be in order to give enough options and methods for you to choose what works for you.
Explore the extent of our workout plans here >>>
Sample Our Plans For Free
You will get stronger with our plans, provided you show up and do the workout, you are guaranteed to get physical results.
Early signs that you’re heading in the right direction are seeing an improvement in your physical strength.
Becoming physically stronger is a sure fire sign that you built more muscle.
If you struggle to stay motivated, just focus on getting stronger, focus on the basics. The rest will unravel in time.
You can get started for free, right now, with Lipstick Lifters. Here’s what you’ll unlock when you sign up today >>>
And yes, it’s 100% free to sample our plans. Everything you need to start is there, the catch is, we can’t show up and do the workouts for you.
Here To Help
If you need help, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Lipstick Lifters was created for the sole purpose of supporting women in weightlifting.