Breast Lifting Exercises To Boost Your Boobs

Sings “I must, I must, I must increase my bust”. Anyone else remember this “song and dance” from the 90’s? In fact, I think it goes back further than the 90’s. My point is, women have been aware of pursuing breast lifting exercises to boost their boobs for some time now.

The truth is, that method didn’t really work very well for anyone, and the reason for that is because while there was some benefit in the movement, there was simply not enough resistance applied to the exercise to increase their bust.

Weightlifting enters the chat

Breast Lifting Exercises To Boost Your Boobs Contents

  • Breast Tissue
  • Resistance; The Missing Ingredient For Most Women
  • Press For Boobs
  • Other Breast Lifting Exercises
  • Bringing Together Your Boob Boosting Workout Plan
  • Be Gym Independent
  • Beyond Your Boobs
  • Beginners
  • Intermediate Lifters
  • Build Your Own Breast Lifting Exercises
  • Related Content

  • workout plans

    Breast Tissue

    First of all, there is little that can be done to change the shape of your breasts or your breast tissue. We are all wonderfully different and boobs come in all shapes and sizes, all of them absolutely fine and perfect exactly as they are.

    So what we will not be discussing in this article is how to change your breast tissue, because the fact is, you can’t, without surgical intervention, and that’s not what this article is about.

    What we want to talk about are the pectoral muscles, that’s the muscle that sits behind your breast tissue and is the foundation to your boobs.

    Pectoral Muscles

    Resistance; The Missing Ingredient For Most Women

    In order to build any muscle group you need resistance. So if you want to boost your boobs with exercises, you need exercises that apply enough resistance to force your pecs to grow.

    Now, keep in mind that the amount of resistance required is relative to you, so when we say “lift heavy” we mean lift an amount of weight that is heavy for you.

    As you work through your resistance exercises you will quickly start to notice that what was once heavy for you is now not so heavy. Congratulations, you got stronger. Now select the next weight up and make sure you’re always working with an amount of weight that challenges you.

    Press For Boobs

    So many women avoid the bench press. I mean, I get it, it’s a key piece of equipment in the gym that’s occupied by a sweaty man, more often than not.

    But look, if you want to boost your boobs, you’ll need to get familiar with the bench press. There are lots of other boob boosting exercises. But the bigger compound moves are your most powerful and fastest muscle builders.

    When you consider the bench press, consider the various options:

    First you have the standard flat bench press, this is the most commonly used. But then you also have the incline bench press and the decline bench press.

    How Are They Different?

    Put simply, the incline bench press places more emphasis on the upper part of the pectorals and also recruits the upper part of the anterior deltoids, (the front part of your shoulders).

    The decline bench press puts emphasis on the lower part of the pectorals and anterior deltoids.

    And the regular flat bench press targets the pectorals from their central point.

    Hand Position

    Just want to briefly mention your hand position, while this doesn’t make much of a difference in terms of targeting your chest and boosting your boobs, it’s good to know information.

    On all 3 bench press variations, you have the option to grip the barbell from a wide grip (hands far apart) or a close grip (hands closer together) and everything in between.

    The wider grip will target the pectorals more since the close grip distributes the weight more through your triceps.

    It’s important to note that both variations, performed on a flat, incline or decline bench will contribute towards building your chest muscles.

    workout plans

    Other Breast Lifting Exercises

    Any exercise that targets your pectoral muscles can be considered a breast lifting exercise. So once you have mastered the most important bench press variations. This plan will help you with that >>>

    It’s now time to move on to other, smaller compound and isolation exercises. You can find a selection of these below, click through to learn more about each exercise in its own right.

    Cable Chest Fly

    Pec Deck Chest Fly

    Incline Dumbbell Chest Press

    Dumbbell Pullover

    Dumbbell Chest Press

    Press Up

    Dumbbell Chest Fly

    Seated Chest Press Machine

    Chest Dips

    Decline Press Up

    Wide Grip Bench Press

    Bringing Together Your Boob Boosting Workout Plan

    Probably the worst thing you can do is move forward with a plan that just includes a random selection of these boob boosting exercises.

    Planning your workout plans takes a lot more than just bunching together exercises. There is a method to the process and unless you know what you’re doing and why, you are essentially stabbing in the dark.

    For an absolute beginner your focus should be to simply master each exercise in its own right. So from that perspective, go to town.

    But once you start to progress, and if you want to see the real, noticeable results, you need some strategy to your workout plan.

    And that is essentially what we teach women how to do. Not just for your boob boosting workout plan, for all of your workout plans.

    Learn more about how we help you do that here >>>

    workout plans

    Be Gym Independent

    First, let’s start with your boobs, because that’s why you’re here, right?

    Here are some resources we have that can provide you with an insight into what a good boob boosting workout plan looks like:

    Boob Boosting Fast Track Pack

    Boobs & Biceps Workout Plans

    Beyond Your Boobs

    You can’t train boobs all day, every day. You need to switch things up, so throw in some other muscle group workout plans across the week for good measure.

    Some other plans you might be interested in:

    Killer Leg Fast Track Pack

    Leg Workout Plans

    Glutes Galore Fast Track Pack

    Bum & Thighs Workout Plans

    Back Blasting Fast Track Pack

    Back, Shoulders & Triceps Workout Plans


    Fat Loss For Beginners

    Weightlifting For Beginners

    Bodybuilding For Beginners

    Powerlifting For Beginners

    Intermediate Lifters

    Bodybuilding For Intermediate Lifters

    Powerlifting For Intermediate Lifters

    Fat Loss Formula

    Push, Pull, Legs, For Gains

    Stronger, Leaner You

    Fat Melter

    Mass Builder

    Build Your Own Breast Lifting Exercises

    All of the above linked plans are guaranteed to get you the fastest possible results from lifting, the only thing you need to do is show up and work the plan in the exact order it has been provided.

    But there’s a twist here. Because we have a learn as you lift formula that not only gives you the plan, it also serves as a learning tool.

    As you work through each exercise in the plan, pay attention to how the exercises are performed (video demonstrations are provided) as well as the type of exercise, muscles worked and the exercise order. All of these elements are crucial for building your own workout plans in the future.

    Get off to a flying start with workout plans that work and gradually expand your own knowledge, through experience.

    In hardly any time at all, you will be ready and able to build your own breast lifting workouts to boost your boobs, glutes, legs, back and any other muscle group you want to work on.

    Related Content

    As this website grows there is some natural crossover between our content, see below some related content you might be interested in:

    Exercises To Grow Your Chest

    Chest Exercises

    How To Bench Press: A Quick Fire Guide For Ladies

    Simply Chest Workout Plans


    This article was originally written in 2018 and has been updated in 2024.

    workout plans