Toning Exercises For Women - What Toning Really Means

Toning exercises for women are often dressed up as easy to perform bodyweight or band exercises. While there is some benefit to these exercises, they are not the most efficient way for a woman to tone up.

Fast track your results by performing exercises that tone you up in the most efficient way possible. In this article we are going to explore the methods that will help you tone faster.


  • What Is Toning And Why Do Women Want To Tone Up
  • Toning Exercises
  • Fast Track Toning Exercises
  • Why Weightlifting Exercises Are Toning Exercises
  • Choose Your Toning Exercises Wisely
  • Toning Workouts For Women
  • Learn To Build Your Own Toning Workouts

  • What Is Toning And Why Do Women Want To Tone Up

    The actual definition of the word ‘tone’ is; “to give greater strength or firmness to”. Put simply, ‘toning’ is the process of adding strength and firmness to our muscles.

    So when a woman says she wants to ‘tone up’, what she’s actually saying is that she wants stronger and firmer muscles.

    Unfortunately there seems to be some misconception about what that actually means. Toning is just a more feminine way of saying “I want to build more lean muscle”.

    Whether you perform “toning exercises” or “muscle building exercises” the outcome is still the same.

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    Toning Exercises

    As mentioned above, toning exercises are the same as muscle building exercises, even though they have been marketed as two different things.

    The toning exercises you see that involve bodyweight, bands or even exercises like pilates or yoga poses, are all legit and valid exercises that will help you build up your strength and in time will add some firmness to the target muscle groups.

    But what about when you want to tone your biceps, or your hamstrings, or glutes?

    Yoga and pilates don’t consider the direct path to building a single muscle group, that’s not what their approach was designed for. Bodyweight and banded exercises can target a specific muscle group, but they are not the most efficient way to get the toned look you’re after. I could literally take you years to get there, whereas if you take the direct path of weightlifting, you can tone the exact same muscle group in as little as 3 months.

    Fast Track Toning Exercises

    The fact is, no matter which muscles you want to tone, there is a direct and fast track way to doing that, and that is through weightlifting.

    Once you understand the fundamentals of weightlifting, and which exercises target which muscle groups, you will be able to tone any muscle you want to tone and you will be able to achieve that much sooner than you think.

    Why Weightlifting Exercises Are Toning Exercises

    It’s already been said, but let’s reiterate; toning is building muscle, and weightlifting is the fast track way to build muscle.

    Ladies, you’re not going to build any muscle at a superhuman rate with weightlifting, so if you’re worried about getting “too big” you needn't be.

    Building lean muscle is not something that happens overnight. Yes weightlifting is your fast track ticket to toning, but just because it’s the fastest way to build muscle, it doesn’t mean it’s going to happen at a speed that you’re not in control of.

    You are 100% in charge of how far you take this.

    With weightlifting there are methods that you can use to build muscle fast, others that will help you maintain the muscle size and strength and even methods that can reduce muscle size, though we have yet to meet anyone who starts lifting and wants to get smaller.

    The point is, you have full control over this, so don’t let the big boy weights scare you, you’re not going to build muscle like a man builds muscle, most of you don’t have the testosterone levels for it to happen that easily.

    Choose Your Toning Exercises Wisely

    Don’t just blindly follow somebody else's toning workout plan, firstly because you are not them and following their plan will not get you their results, and secondly because you need to first understand exactly which muscle groups you are targeting with those toning exercises.

    Really pay attention to the target muscle, make sure you know EXACTLY which muscle group you are working on with every single exercise.

    There are two types of exercises that you need to be familiar with:

    Compound exercises - a multi joint movement targeting multiple muscle groups in one fluid movement. Examples of compound exercises are; squats, deadlifts, lunges.

    Isolation exercises - usually a single joint movement targeting only one muscle group.

    Compound exercises are great for moving maximum weight, this in turn helps you build muscle faster in the target muscle groups. Isolation exercises are your opportunity to “fine tune” your results by working directly on the muscle you want to build.

    Toning Workouts For Women

    All the toning exercises cannot help you until you build yourself a toning workout. Exercises alone do not get the results, it is the combination of exercises that make the full toning workout plan and there is a proven method to this process.

    There is a method to building muscle at the fastest rate, it’s been covered in great detail on our workout plans page, so go check it out.

    The short version is that to build a toning workout plan, you need to consider muscle group rotation, which exercises you’ll perform, in which order, the reps and sets and the entire duration of working that plan. You should be switching up your workouts every 12 weeks at the absolute least, but ideally every 6-8 weeks.

    Learn To Build Your Own Toning Workouts

    Our goal is to make you gym independent. We want you to be able to build your own toning workout plans at the drop of a hat, as and when you need them.

    Naturally there is a learning curve, it takes time, but we have helped over 5000 women worldwide find their gym independence and it all starts with the decision to take ownership.

    The fact is, most women who come looking for toning exercises, or toning workouts will likely find something that keeps them interested for a short while, but either through lack of engagement, or lack of results, they finally give up.

    Break that cycle by taking control of your own workouts and results. With Lipstick Lifters you can learn as you lift. We provide you with a wide range of weightlifting workout plans, broken down by specific muscle groups, so you can get toning exercises that hit your desired muscle groups directly.

    We can guide you for as long as you need, and when you feel confident enough to go it alone, you will be in a position where you will never need to look for other people to provide your workout plans, because you will understand the fundamentals of weightlifting (which do not change), and you can apply those fundamentals depending on your desired outcome.

    Learn more about how we help you become gym independent here >>>

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