macro calculator


macro calculator

Macro Calculator For Women In Weightlifting

Since you are a woman in weightlifting, you should use a macro calculator that supports muscle growth and repair. Many macro calculators for women will promote general ‘weight loss’ and prioritise carbohydrate intake. While this is ok for some, it is completely inappropriate for women in weightlifting. As a weightlifter your primary objective is obviously to build and maintain lean muscle, therefore, you need a diet which is higher in protein to facilitate lean muscle growth and repair. Unlike many others; our macro calculator for women has been designed specifically for female weightlifters.

The macro diet is not a ‘weight loss’ diet, it is far more complex. If you don’t understand the primary purpose of the macronutrient diet, check out Macros Explained before you go any further. Otherwise; you can head straight into the macro calculator below.

Basel Metabolic Rate

This macro calculator will calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate), your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and your macros for; maintenance, weight loss and weight gain.

*It should be noted that this is a macro calculator for women in weightlifting. If you are a woman whose primary physical activity is cardio, these numbers may not be appropriate for you.

What you need to know about the numbers provided by this macro calculator

You should use this macro calculator as a guide. All macro calculators will provide you with estimated numbers based on common assumptions. In order for you to benefit long term, you will need to make some of your own adjustments over time. For that reason, you should pay attention to the following…

The percentage macro split for your maintenance phase is 40% protein, 40% carbohydrate and 20% fat.

Your Fat loss macros have been split; 45% protein, 30% carbohydrate and 25% fat.

And your Weight gain macros have been split; 30% protein, 45% carbohydrate, 25% fat.

It is important for you to know that no macro calculator can take your individuality or full body composition into account. For that reason, we strongly recommend that you use these numbers as a guide to get you started and adjust them accordingly as you progress.

You can adjust your percentage split by taking into account the following:

1g protein = 4 calories, 1g carbohydrate = 4 calories, 1g fat = 9 calories.

In addition to this, you should not neglect your fiber intake, you should aim to consume between 25-30 grams of fiber a day.

Be sure that you are making sensible food choices, while a calorie may be a calorie, you should also consider the quality of those calories.

Is the macro diet suitable for you?

You may be tempted by flexible dieting, but you should know that it requires a lot of dedication and effort to get the results intended by the macro diet. Calculating your macros is just the beginning. Beyond the calculations that this macro calculator provides, you will need to do a lot of follow up work to get the results that this diet was designed to achieve.

Before you begin this diet, if you haven’t already, we highly recommend that you read Macros Explained.

Tracking your macros, lifts and results

If you have decided that the macro diet is appropriate for you, you should start to put together a plan to keep track of your macros, workouts and progress. Tracking is essential for long term success, it would be impossible to do this diet correctly without keeping a dedicated record.

By keeping track of your diet, workouts and results, you are able to monitor your outcomes and subsequently tweak your macros and workouts according to your long term goals.

Finally, if you really want to put your strength and power to the test, check out our one rep max calculator.

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