Terms And Conditions

By signing up to Members Zone you:

  • Understand that these plans are for personal use only and your results will depend wholly on the dedication and effort that you apply on an ongoing basis.

  • Agree that you are over the age of 18 and take part in these workouts at your own risk.

  • Accept that all content inside Members Zone belongs to Lipstick Lifters and may not be duplicated, shared, sold on, or used in any way other than as part of your own personal workout plan. Any misuse of these plans will be considered a breach of terms/copyright and legal action will be sought.

  • Agree to receive marketing communications and regular updates via email.

Before you get started:

Even with good health exercise is not without its risks, it is your sole responsibility to exercise within your own limitations.

As with all physical exercise there is the possibility of physical injury, all exercises recommended are carried out at your own risk.

If you are new to working out, or are returning after a long period of time off then it is important that you ease yourself into a new routine responsibly.

If you have any underlying health conditions, of any kind, we recommend that you seek the approval of a medical professional before embarking on a new workout plan.

If at any point you feel unwell you must stop exercising and notify someone immediately.

Lipstick Lifters is not a licensed medical care provider, we have no medical expertise and therefore we do not advise on the matter.

Lipstick Lifters disclaims any liability from and in connection with your choice to take part in the workouts provided.

By becoming a member you agree wholly to these terms and take full responsibility for your choice to use these workouts.

Equipment required:

You will need to have access to a fully equipped gym to make use of our weightlifting workout plans.

With that said, many of our members are also making use of our plans with their well equipped home gyms.

If you have a home gym with limited equipment, please contact us before you sign up and let us know what you have available. We will be able to tell you if workaround exercises can be provided based on what you have.

About your free account:

You do not need to enter any card details to create a free account, all you need to provide is a valid email address which will need to be verified by clicking the link in the verification email that you will be sent after sign up. This is to validate that you are a real person with an active email address.

If you do not receive a verification email, first check your spam folder, if it's not there, then please email Members@lipsticklifters.com and we will be able to assist you.

Your free account includes a selection of free plans which are available under "My Zone" when you login. These plans have been broken down into a 4 day rotation that you can use for up to 8 weeks. After which, the plans will remain in your free account, but you should consider working with a new plan in order to continue to see results.

You will not be charged for anything unless you either purchase a plan through the portal or our website on a pay as you go basis, or you sign up for an annual subscription through the portal.

See details about annual subscription cancellations and our refund policy below...

Cancellation policy:

You may cancel your annual subscription at any time without obligation.

Cancellation requests should be sent in writing to: Members@lipsticklifters.com 7 days prior to your next billing cycle.

Cancellations requested within 7 days of your next billing cycle are not guaranteed and any payments processed are non-refundable.

Refund policy:

Because we offer a digital product, whereby all benefits are unlocked to you immediately after payment, we have a strict no refund policy and therefore, no refunds will be given once payment has been processed.

If you are not sure about something, please feel free to contact Members@lipsticklifters.com before you make a purchase, we will be happy to clarify anything for you.

Privacy policy:

Lipstick Lifters respects your privacy and will never sell or forward your personal details to a third party. Our privacy policy can be found here: Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions about these terms or anything else related to Members Zone please direct them to Members@lipsticklifters.com

Inactive accounts:

Occasionally we will prune accounts that have been inactive for a period of 12 months. This means that if you do not log into your account for 12 consecutive months, we will consider it inactive and move to delete it.

We will not delete your account without first contacting you by email to see if you still want it. If you wish to keep your account, you just have to login to reactivate it.

We will make 3 attempts to contact you over a 30 day period and if the account remains inactive it will be deleted and any plans purchased on a pay as you go basis will be lost.

Accounts with active annual subscriptions will not be deleted unless the subscription is cancelled by you. See cancellation policy above.

Misused accounts:

As stated above in the opening statements, all content inside Members Zone belongs to Lipstick Lifters and may not be duplicated, shared, sold on, or used in any way other than as part of your own personal workout plan. Any misuse of these plans will be considered a breach of terms/copyright and legal action will be sought.

If we suspect that your account is being misused, we will suspend it immediately pending investigation.

You will be notified by email that your account has been suspended. Details of why the action has been taken, as well as details regarding the investigation, will be sent to you privately.

Right to amend:

Lipstick Lifters reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

In the event that any changes are made, the revised terms and conditions shall be emailed to all subscribers and posted on this website immediately.


You may view our most frequently asked questions at the bottom of this page.

If the answer to your question is not covered there, please feel free to get in touch.