beginners weightlifting workout pack

By Female Lifters – For Female Lifters

beginners weightlifting

Get strong and sculpt your body with weightlifting

Learn key compound exercises that will become the foundation of every good workout plan you do, so that you can get strong, build muscle and burn fat, or simply experience the elation of lifting an amount of weight you never thought you could.

All plans come with video demonstrations of each exercise as well as full online support to help you get the best possible results.

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How Weightlifting Works For Beginners

If you’re an absolute beginner who is serious about using weightlifting as their preferred sport, there are some basics that you’ll need to understand first. All good weightlifting workout plans follow the same fundamental “rules”. When you understand and follow these rules, you will ensure that you are getting the fastest possible results.

Weightlifting isn’t just about “getting big”, yes, many people lift because they want to add mass, aka; build muscle. But it’s not uncommon for women to be a bit afraid of this increase in size and weight. Lipstick Lifters is here to show you that you don’t need to be worried about that.

First of all, nobody got “big” overnight, bulking in weightlifting takes deliberate effort and it takes time. You are fully in control of how far you take this. Also, you’ll be doing yourself a major injustice if you allow this common misconception to put you off. The benefits of weightlifting on the human body far outweigh this false perception.

Secondly, pound for pound, lean muscle takes up less space than fat does, but it weighs more. So while you may end up heavier, you can still be smaller.

Finally, the added physical strength you’ll gain with weightlifting is by far the best reward. You’ll feel physically better, everyday tasks will be easier, you’ll delay the physical signs of aging as you’ll have more bone density, stronger joints and supporting ligaments.

Oh, and the sheer elation that comes from lifting an amount of weight you never thought you could is second to none.

Beginners Weightlifting Workout Pack - Workout

Weightlifting is built around 3 key compound exercises; squat, deadlift and bench press. These are power moves simply because they allow you to move maximum weight and recruit maximum muscle groups, all in one fluid movement.

For the first 2 weeks you are encouraged to focus only on the above 3 exercises. They are the foundation to any good weightlifting workout plan, so take your time and give them the attention they deserve. This plan gives you exact directions on how to do that.

Here you have 3 workouts to rotate across the week. Each compound exercise has its own dedicated workout. On day 1 you squat, day 2 bench, day 3 deadlift, day 4 rest. And repeat.

Weeks 1 & 2 are simply laying your foundation of working through some variations of the key compound exercise. Weeks 3-6 of this plan starts to take shape as we introduce some other exercises.

Plans included:

Squat Workout

Deadlift Workout

Bench Workout

How To Purchase The Beginners Weightlifting Workout Pack

All workout plans are delivered securely through our Members Zone Portal. You will need to have an account with us. If you don’t, you’ll need to create one. It’s free to sign up, you can do that here.

Note! You must sign up with a valid email address, you will be asked to verify this before you can login.

Once you have your Members Zone account all set up, login and just hit the “buy now” button above. Or, you can purchase through this link >>>

Before you do, it’s worth checking out the other Workout Packs we have available. You might find something else you prefer.

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If you’ve got your eye on a few different plans you’ll probably find it’s better value to purchase the Members Zone Annual Subscription.

With an annual subscription you will unlock every single plan in the portal, so you can then check out all plans and decide which ones you want to work with first and which to save for later.

You can learn more about Members Zone here.