Weightlifting Workout Plans for Women


By Female Lifters, For Female Lifters

Strength, Power & Complete Body Re-composition

Everything You Need In The Palm Of Your Hand

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By Female Lifters, For Female Lifters

By subscribing to Lipstick Lifters weightlifting workout plans for women, you agree that you have read, understood and accept our Terms and Conditions.

No Nonsense Weightlifting Workout Plans For Women

Don’t waste another second in the gym wondering if you’re doing the right workout, in the right order, for the best results. Put a stop to worrying about if you’re using the machines correctly or performing your lifts with correct form.

Get off the never ending diet and cardio cycle that will never build your physique. Cardio is for your cardiovascular health, strength training is for your physical health and is the only way for you to alter your physique.

If you’re tired of training into the abyss, not knowing why you’re doing what you’re doing, just going through the never ending motions of uncertainty, you need to take a step back and re-evaluate your approach.

That’s what over 6000 Lipstick Lifters did >>>

Your workout should feel empowering, it should feel like a blessing to show up and do.

Building Strong Empowered Women

That’s what we do!

Weightlifting is a remarkably empowering sport for a woman.

We’ve seen the magic happen, time and time again.

Member after member.

Powerful woman after powerful woman.

Put aesthetics aside for a second and consider the fact that being physically strong, as a woman, is a game changer.

You will feel empowered beyond anything you can currently imagine.

Lipstick Lifters has supported over 6000 women and counting. 87% of those women are gym independent within 6-12 months of signing up. The other 13% stay for the dedicated and personalised support they get from our team.

That means you won’t need an expensive trainer or coach to get the results you want, you will know exactly how to do that for yourself.

Learn how we unlock your power today >>>

Main Workout Categories


These workout plans focus on building your legs. Other muscle groups, such as abs, will be naturally recruited as part of your leg workout - consider this a bonus!

Pay attention to the muscle highlighted image that accompanies the plan - this will tell you exactly which muscles that plan will be working for you.


These workout plans focus on building your back, shoulders & triceps.

Again, pay attention to the muscle highlighted image that accompanies the plan - this will tell you exactly which muscles that plan will be working for you.


This category is your “chest & biceps” workout, so it focuses on the pectorals and biceps.

The muscle highlighted image shows you exactly which muscles the plan will work. You’ll likely find that some plans recruit other muscle groups also - consider those a bonus!


Our bum & thighs category focuses on your glutes and quads. Because these workouts feature powerful compound exercises, you will again see secondary recruitment of other muscles as part of these plans. But be assured that every exercise is featured because it will work your glutes, quads, or both.


Our muscle growth category is your all-round muscle builder category. The muscle groups worked vary, again, refer to the muscle highlighted image to see exactly what you’ll be working in that plan.

Here we encourage you to apply as much resistance (weight) as you can safely manage in order to maximise your muscle growth potential.


These strength & power workouts care only for making you stronger and more powerful. They’re intense, so not recommended for new lifters. But if you have some experience and want to up your game - give this category a go!


Our tone & sculpt category features all-round muscle building workout plans which focus primarily (but not entirely) on isolation exercises.

Remember that ‘toning’ is still muscle building, therefore you are encouraged, as always, to work with weights that consistently challenge you.


The push workout category is geared towards the push, pull, legs training style. Naturally, “push” exercises will work almost opposite muscle groups to pull exercises.

And not to sound like a broken record but pay attention to the muscle highlighted image that accompanies the plan - this will tell you exactly which muscles that plan will be working for you.


The pull workout category is again geared towards the push, pull, legs training style. Naturally, “pull” exercises will work almost opposite muscle groups to push exercises. The benefit of this method is that it helps you rotate muscle groups more easily.

You can read more about this method here.


Our 30-minute workout plan category offers you a ‘grab n go’ solution for those days when you’re in a hurry. Ideal for when you don’t have much time, but want to get an efficient workout in. The workout plans in this category are built by combining exercises that complement each other, for the purpose of speed and efficient muscle growth.


The workout plans in this category combine endurance and strength for efficient fat burning.

Remember that fat loss is predominantly driven by your diet. Therefore, if fat loss is your goal; you should combine strength training with cardio and a well-balanced diet.


Our volume training workout category is not for the faint hearted. This is an intense 10x10 workout designed to build muscle fast. This training style is ideal for anybody who wants to bulk fast.

Single Muscle Group Weightlifting Workout Plans

The single muscle group categories below are not full workout plans, they are designed to be used as an add on to any of the above plans. Or they can be grouped with each other to build your own targeted plan.


If you want to specifically target your calves, we suggest that you use these exercises as an add-on to any leg or lower body workout. You can also combine the workouts in this category with other single muscle group workouts in the portal.


These single muscle group workouts consist of 4-6 targeted chest exercises that you can either tag to the end of any of our other workout plans, or group with other single muscle group plans to build your own.


This is your opportunity to focus on building the muscles you want to grow. In this case, shoulders, but we also have 5 other single muscle group categories for you to work with.


Our simply back workouts are your opportunity to really home in on your back muscles. If you want to build your back fast, we suggest combining this with a back, shoulders & triceps or a pull workout plan from the main workout categories.


Target just your abs and core with this single muscle group workout category. For building your own plan, choose 2-3 other single muscle group workouts as well as a warm up and finisher – also available in the portal.


Isolate your glutes with these workout plans. Always remember to follow each work each workout plan as written. Our expert trainers have ordered the exercises for maximum potential.


Our final single muscle group category is simply biceps & triceps. Just like all the others, you can tag to a full workout plan, or group with a few other single muscle group plans to make your own full workout.

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Workout Packs

Fat Loss For Beginners

This is the absolute beginner's plan. If you’re just getting started with weightlifting and you intend to use it to help you with fat loss then start here.

Introduction To Bodybuilding For Beginners

Curious about bodybuilding? Start here. This plan provides you with an introduction to the bodybuilders style of training.

Bodybuilding For Intermediate Lifters

If you already have some experience with the bodybuilders style of training and are looking for a plan to help you up your game - this is it.

Introduction To Weightlifting For Beginners

This is your opportunity to learn the fundamentals of weightlifting. If you are keen to develop your knowledge and experience of weightlifting in general, this plan is for you.

Introduction To Powerlifting For Beginners

Get started with powerlifting. Learn the basics of this sport as you lay a foundation of strength working through this beginners plan.

Powerlifting For Intermediate Lifters

Are you ready to get serious about your strength as a powerlifter? This plan is for you.

Olympic Lifting 101

If you’re interested in Olympic lifting this is a great introduction. Olympic lifts are very much dependent on coordination and technique. This plan teaches you the absolute basics so that you can condition yourself and prepare for progression into Olympic lifting.

Back Blasting Fast Track Pack

This fast track pack is a simple yet intense back workout. Designed to be used for a maximum of 8 weeks.

Boob Boosting Fast Track Pack

This fast track pack is a simple yet intense chest workout. Designed to be used for a maximum of 8 weeks.

Killer Leg Fast Track Pack

This fast track pack is a simple yet intense leg workout. Designed to be used for a maximum of 8 weeks.

Glutes Galore Fast Track Pack

This fast track pack is a simple yet intense glute workout. Designed to be used for a maximum of 8 weeks.

Fat Loss Formula

The Fat Loss Formula does provide a workout plan, but that is secondary to what this pack teaches. Here you will learn the formula for fat loss and how you can apply it over a 6-9 month period.

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Pre-Built Plans

Tone & Sculpt Fast Track

The purpose of this plan is to assist you in achieving the benefits of our Tone & Sculpt training category.

Push, Pull, Legs, For Gains

This plan is an advanced approach to workout splits for more experienced lifters.

Stronger, Leaner You

This plan will help you get stronger so you can build muscle faster and sculpt a leaner physique.

Fat Melter

The more lean muscle you have, the faster you burn through fat. This Fat Melter plan will help you to build the muscle so you can melt the fat.

Mass Builder

Not for the faint hearted, this plan uses volume training for maximum mass.

7 Day Cut

This is not a diet plan, it’s your 7 day training routine to support you while you’re in your cutting phase.

Instantly unlock everything by becoming an exclusive member >>>

Home Gym Packs

Dumbbell Conditioning

Suitable for beginners, this plan offers a full body workout rotation using dumbbells and a bench.

Kettlebell Workout Pack

Also suitable for beginners, this plan offers a full body workout rotation using kettlebells and a bench.

workout plans

Weightlifting Workouts Built Exclusively By Women, For Women

No muscle group will ever be neglected. We’ve got plans to target them all.

Each plan provides both beginner and advanced methods, so you can start, nail the basics and then come back in on a more advanced lifting level.

Muscle highlighted illustrations so you know exactly which muscle groups you’re targeting with every single plan.

And video demonstrations of each exercise so you know how to perform them all with the correct form.

Instantly unlock everything by becoming an exclusive member >>>

Your Pathway To Gym Independence

Lipstick Lifters Members Zone was created for the primary purpose of providing weightlifting workout plans to you in such a way that guides you towards eventually building your own.

Every woman is unique, that's why we do not steer every woman who signs up towards the same weightlifting workout. We teach you how to choose and piece together your own workouts, based on your own circumstances, to help you smash through your own personal goals.

You are 100% capable of learning how to build your own weightlifting workout plans, we are here to support you for as long as you need.

Weightlifting For Women 101

The fundamentals of weightlifting are simple, and they do not change. Once you understand the various different lifting sports and the methods that lifters use to get stronger, build muscle, and burn fat, you are already halfway towards building your own weightlifting workout plans to fit your own personal circumstances and goals. Everything else comes with experience.

You will get high value information that will help you become gym independent. So if you’re a woman seeking no nonsense weightlifting workout plans that get real results, and are keen to learn how to build your own in the future, Lipstick Lifters is for you.

Free Trial

You can sign up now and sample our workout plans and portal experience.

The free plans are the same for everyone and are free forever, but they are not intended to be used forever and they may not fit every woman's personal goals.

They are there to give you an example of how Members Zone works. You can use them if you like, but if you want to progress in weightlifting, you need more than just a few workout plans.

Know Your Goal First

Your job is to know what you want to achieve, then choose your workout plan from the wide selection we have available. You can buy plans as you go, or subscribe for full access. All along the way we are here to support and encourage you to eventually build your own weightlifting workout plans.

Infinite Possibilities

With over 200 individual exercises inside Members Zone, combined with the expert knowledge that we share, and personalised online support as part of your subscription, there are infinite possibilities for your future workouts. You will never be stuck in a plateau ever again.

Make it your mission to learn how to do this for yourself, so that you never have to second guess yourself.

Be gym independent.

Let us show you how >>>

Your gym independence is our success

We don’t want to feed you a never ending supply of workouts for you to blindly follow. We want to teach you how to build your own weightlifting workout plans, so that when you are in need of a new plan, you can provide it for yourself.

With Lipstick Lifters, you will never need to depend on another person for your weightlifting workouts, because you will know the formula to build your own plan.

Everything else is in showing up and working out, that part is all on you. The fanciest app or the best trainers in the world can't do that for you.

This is your opportunity to take matters into your own hands.

workout plans

What Does a Good Weightlifting Workout Plan Look Like?

A good weightlifting workout plan prioritises the exercises that use the most muscle groups, expend the most energy, and move the most overall weight. From there, you should work your way down through lighter weight compound exercises, moving through barbells, dumbbells/kettlebells, cables, machines & finally body weight exercises. In that exact order. See full breakdown below:


Always start with the exercise that uses the most muscle groups & moves the most weight.


Work your way down through free weights, prioritising compound exercises before isolation exercises.


Then move onto cable exercises, performing compound exercises first and isolation exercises last.


At this stage, when you start to fatigue, you can depend on the machine exercises to assist you as you squeeze out the last reps.


Finally, you should finish up on body weight exercises.

Side note! Compound vs isolation exercises 101: A compound exercise uses multiple muscle groups and an isolation exercise targets a single muscle group.

You can save the below infographic on your phone for future reference...

Lipstick Lifters - Exercise Order in Weightlifting

When it comes to training splits/weekly workout rotations and rep/set ranges, it depends on what you are trying to achieve, so we can’t give any absolutes in terms of this, what we can do is teach you which methods best support which outcomes. With that information and with experience through our portal, you can decide what to do and when to do it.

How To Create A Weightlifting Workout Plan

Learn a few basics first:

Key compound exercises to base your plans around.

Other compound and isolation exercises that will complete your plan.

Understanding which exercises target which muscle groups.

How to order the exercises in your workouts.

Training splits, aka; weekly workout rotations, or muscle group rotations.

Rep/set methods to support different outcomes.

Fundamentals Of A Good Weightlifting Workout


A good weightlifting workout plan is centred around a key compound exercise. When building a workout plan, always prioritise the biggest exercise that moves the most weight. Then follow up with other compound exercises using less weight.


Isolation exercises should be built in around your key compound exercises. When building a workout plan, your isolation exercises should work similar muscle groups to your base compound exercise.


Knowing which exercises target which muscle groups is imperative to building a good plan. Don't just throw a bunch of exercises together, really think about the muscles you want to work.


How you order your exercises plays a crucial part in the overall success of your plan. This was covered in detail above. If you've already forgotten, go back up and read it again.


The purpose of the training split is to get the most out of training 1-2 muscle groups at a time, allowing sufficient recovery as you move onto the next muscle group the next day. For smaller muscle groups you can combine 3-4.


How you perform your exercises in terms of reps and sets will shape your outcomes. There are a wide range of methods you can use, we can help you find the ones best for your personal goals.

You can save the below infographic on your phone for future reference...

Lipstick Lifters - Fundamentals of a good Weightlifting Workout

Once you understand the fundamentals of the above, you will be well on your way to creating your own weightlifting workout plan.

How Does Lipstick Lifters Teach Women To Build Their Own Weightlifting Workout Plans

Everything comes with experience. We simply provide you with a wide selection of weightlifting workout plans for you to start with, show you how to progress that plan, then help you move onto your next plan.

When you sign up for your free trial, you get instant access to some weightlifting workout plans to sample, plus our free Gym Independence Guide. This free guide will show you how you can achieve your gym independence with Lipstick Lifters.

After you have worked with some of our fully structured plans you will have a solid foundation to move onto the next step; building your own workout plans from our portal. This brings you one step away from your leap to freedom.

workout plans

Unlock Everything Right Now

FREE On Sign-Up

  • Gym Independence Guide - Learn how we support your ultimate gym independence

  • Members Zone Guide - Navigate our Members Zone portal

  • Free Workout Plans - 4 day muscle group rotation includes:

  • 1x Leg Workout

  • 1x Boobs & Biceps Workout

  • 1x Back, Shoulders & Triceps Workout

  • 1x Bum & Thighs Workout

Stay With Us For More Benefits

  • 130 Grab & Go Plans To Get You Started

  • Learn As You Lift

  • Know Which Exercises Work Which Muscles

  • Over 200 Exercises With Video Demonstrations

  • Unlimited Workout Combinations

  • Personalised Online Support

  • Gym Independent In 6-12 Months

Bonus Guides

  • Start Lifting Now

  • The Busy Woman's Guide To Training In A Hurry

  • Training Splits

  • Reps And Sets

  • How To Get Physically Stronger Faster

  • How To Eat For Maximum Strength

  • 7 Day Food Fact Find

  • Know How And When To Change Your Workout

  • How To Build Any Muscle Group Fast

Sign up or sign in to subscribe >>>

Learn As You Lift

Once you have built and worked through a range of our plans, you will have a good understanding of what makes a good weightlifting workout plan, you will have worked through a wide range of exercises and some different training methods by this point, all of which is contributing to your independent knowledge of weightlifting and your ability to build your own workouts in the future.

Dedicated Online Support

Every woman is different, so we can make no assumptions about what is good for you, and we can’t give you all the same plan and expect you to get the same results. It doesn’t work like that.

Only you can decide what you want and need from your weightlifting workout plans, Lipstick Lifters is simply here to support you in getting from where you are now, to where you want to be. We are at your disposal for anything you need to help you progress in the world of weightlifting.

Remember, we don’t want you to be dependent on us, we want to make you independent. So all advice and recommendations that we provide will be centred around informing you of your options, while allowing you to take the decision (from the information we provide) that best suits your personal circumstances and goals.

In short, we won’t tell you what to do, we will teach you how you can become the master of your own workouts and results.

workout plans

Got Questions?

Check out the FAQ’s further down this page. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, you can reach out to us by email, the address is at the very bottom of this page.

Subscribe Now

By Female Lifters, For Female Lifters

By subscribing to Lipstick Lifters weightlifting workout plans for women, you agree that you have read, understood and accept our Terms and Conditions.

how it works


Best Sellers

An introduction to bodybuilding for beginners
an introduction to powerlifting for beginners
an introduction to weightlifting for beginners
Fat Loss For Beginners
Olympic Lifting 101
Tone & Sculpt Fast Track Plan-01
Intermediate bodybuilding workout pack
Mass Builder-01
The Fat Melter-01
Stronger Leaner You-01
Push Pull Legs For Experienced Lifters-01

Subscribe Now

By Female Lifters, For Female Lifters

By subscribing to Lipstick Lifters weightlifting workout plans for women, you agree that you have read, understood and accept our Terms and Conditions.

Be Gym Independent

Start Your Free Trial Today


Frequently Asked Questions

What Do I Get When I Sign Up?

When you sign up for a free account:

It is 100% free and provides instant access to our free Gym Independence Guide which tells you everything you need to know about working towards building your own weightlifting workout plans. Plus the following plans available in “My Zone”:

Warm Up Plans

1 x Circuit Plan

1 x HIIT Plan

1 x No Equipment Plan

Workout Plans

1 x Back, Shoulders & Triceps Workout Plan

1 x Boobs & Biceps Workout Plan

1 x Bum & Thighs Workout Plan

1 x Legs Workout Plan

Finisher Plans

1 x Abs & Core Finisher Plan

1 x Cardio Finisher Plan

1 x Legs Finisher Plan

1 x Upper Body Finisher Plan

If you’re a little confused by the above, don’t worry, we can show you how to bring it all together.

Create your free account and get access to the above gym workouts now >>>

When you buy plans as you go:

You get all of the above, plus your purchased plan unlocked forever. If that plan is updated by our team, you get the update completely free too.

When you subscribe for full access:

You get everything you need to become gym independent. All plans are unlocked immediately. It’s a lot, take your time with it, it’s all yours to access as and when you need:

Full access unlocks:

  • 130 Weightlifting Workout Plans with beginner and intermediate rep/set ranges.
  • 200 Exercises To Keep Your Workouts Fresh.
  • Across 22 Goal Specific Workout Categories.
  • Video Demonstrations Of Each Exercise.
  • Unlimited Future Workout Possibilities.
  • Achieve Your Goals With Personalised Online Support.
  • 10 Bonus Guides To Get You There Faster.
  • Your Gym Independence For Life.
  • No Strings Attached - Cancel Anytime.

  • Bonus guides:

    Start Lifting Now

    The absolute beginner's guide to getting started with weightlifting workouts.

    7 Day Food Fact Find

    Expose your eating habits in 7 days and learn how you can make a staged approach to a better diet. Forever.

    20 Tips For Getting & Staying Motivated

    You CAN get to where you want to be, we will show you how to stay in the game long enough to get there.

    The Busy Woman's Guide To Training In A Hurry

    Don't train faster, train smarter, with these pro tips to getting a full workout done in half the time.

    How To Get Physically Stronger Faster

    Learn the techniques lifters use to build overall strength and power in the fastest way possible.

    How To Eat For Maximum Strength

    Eat to perform, build more muscle, burn more fat and maintain your optimum body composition.

    Training Splits

    There are multiple approaches to rotating muscle groups and building workout plans. This guide breaks down some of the best.

    Know How & When To Change Your Workout

    No plateau for you when you learn how to keep your workouts fresh for optimum results.

    A Guide To Building Any Muscle Group Fast

    Know which exercises and lifting techniques will help you build lean muscle, where you want it, as fast as possible.

    Achieving Your Gym Independence

    This is your exit plan from Lipstick Lifters and the start of your independence in weightlifting.

    Reps & Sets

    Learn why the number of reps & sets you perform matters, then learn which methods to use for your desired outcomes.

    Sign up or sign in to subscribe >>>

    Why Are The Plans Broken Down Into Warm-ups, Workouts and Finishers?

    This part of your learning process, we want to encourage you to start to understand how to bring together a full workout plan that targets your desired muscle groups. To simplify it for you as you learn, we already built the plans, you just need to match the warm-up and finisher with your chosen workout.

    If you need help in the beginning, we can support you.

    What Is A Finisher?

    A finisher is a group of exercises that target the same muscle groups as your main workout plan. These exercises are usually smaller, lighter weight or assisted exercises. The finisher is where you squeeze out those last reps as your muscles fatigue at the end of your workout.

    How Will I Know Which Muscles I Am Targeting With Each Plan?

    All workout plans are accompanied by a muscle highlighted image, this image tells you exactly which muscles you are targeting with that plan.

    Not all workouts in the same category are equal, depending on which exercises are in the plan, there will be secondary muscle engagement. So while you may think a boobs and biceps workout is just a chest and biceps plan, you may actually be targeting other muscle groups from a secondary perspective. This is reflected on the accompanying muscle highlighted image.

    Are These Weightlifting Workout Plans Suitable For Beginners?

    Yes! We have plans suitable for beginner and intermediate lifters. For the most part the exercises are the same. It’s the weight used and the execution of rep/set ranges that changes.

    Which Weightlifting Workout Plan Should I Start With?

    It really depends on your personal circumstances and goals, you can reach out to us for some guidance, we’re happy to help.

    Most women like to start with one of these 6-12 week packs or a pre-built plan:

    6-12 week packs

    Pre-built plans

    If you need help finding the plan most suitable for your goals email members@lipsticklifters.com with a brief outline of what you want to achieve and one of our team will be happy to assist you.

    Do I Need Equipment To Use These Weightlifting Workout Plans?

    Yes. You will need to have access to a well-equipped gym at the very least.

    Many of our members have well equipped home gyms, in this case, you may find you need to swap out some exercises to work around the equipment you have. We can help with this. If you’re not sure, email us some details of what you have in your home gym and we can advise.

    We do have a handful of plans that can be worked with very basic home gym equipment such as dumbbells, kettlebells and a bench, if you would like to purchase one of those on their own, you can check them out here.

    However, keep in mind that in order to lift the kind of weight you will need to see the best results, heavy-duty gym equipment is necessary.

    Are these "cookie cutter" plans?

    Not really.

    While we do have a wide selection of ready made weightlifting workout plans, we do not encourage the same plan or approach for all women, our Members Zone Portal has a wide enough range of plans to suit a wide range of personal goals and circumstances and we encourage you to build your own complete plan from that wide selection of warm ups, workouts and finishers. Or, you can use the single muscle group workout plans to build your own full plan.

    It is important for you to you understand that we are not providing all of our members with the same plan, we are encouraging our members to choose and build their own plans from over 130 unique options. They are a temporary solution while we will help guide you towards building your own personal plans that suit your own personal circumstances and goals.

    Can I Build My Own Workout Plans That Specifically Targets The Muscle Groups I Want To Work On?

    Yes you can.

    The portal contains multiple plans under 3 main headings:

    Warm ups - Workouts and Finishers. Under each heading there is a selection of sub-categories broken down by muscle group, method and expected outcome.

    To build your own plan simply select your desired workout plan and then choose a warm up and finisher that targets the same muscle groups as the workout you chose.

    There is also a selection of single muscle group workouts that can be tagged onto any plan for a targeted muscle building boost. Or grouped together to make a full plan based on the muscle groups you want to work on.

    If all of that feels a little overwhelming for now, start with one of our workout packs or pre-built plans. Everything will begin to make more sense as you work your way through. And don’t forget, we are available to support you if you need it.

    How Exactly Do The Single Muscle Group Workout Plans Make A Full Workout Plan?

    The single muscle group workout plans are a small corner of our portal and they are there to provide you with the option to choose a plan that specifically targets the muscle groups you want to target.

    Simply choose 2-3 muscle groups you want to work on, and then grab the plan from the portal. Work them together in the same workout.

    Remember that exercise order matters, as described above in the main content of this page.

    How many days a week should I lift?

    It’s up to you. Anything from 2-6 days is fine. Optimum would be 4-6 days a week.

    With that said, if you can only manage one full workout per week, do that, it’s better than nothing!

    What Is The Best Advice For Someone Just Starting Out In Weightlifting?

    Rule number 1 – Quality over quantity.

    As tempting as it is to go into a lift with your ego (we’ve all done it), you should pay very close attention to how you are performing every single rep. At least in the early days.

    Even with experience, sloppy form is still a no-no, but with a solid foundation of best practice, good form will become your default.

    Rushed sets are a breeding ground for poor performance and potential injuries. Fact is, it’s just not worth it.

    How should I split my workout?

    This depends on your current level and goals. We can’t answer this for everyone here, but we can give some common examples:

    For absolute beginners your go-to could be a simple upper/lower body split.

    Moving on from that, you can split your workout using muscle group rotation. This is when you really start to strategically build muscle. Breaking your workout plans down by muscle group and rotating them throughout the week, allows for optimum performance and recovery.

    To give you an example, when rotating muscle groups, your workout week might look something like this:

    Monday – Legs

    Tuesday – Back, shoulders & triceps

    Wednesday – Chest & biceps

    Thursday – Rest

    Friday – Cardio

    Saturday – Legs

    Sunday – Back, shoulders &triceps

    Monday – Chest & biceps

    And so on…

    Your abdominal exercises can be tagged to the end of any workout.

    Another way to get a natural rotation in your Workout plans is to use the push, pull legs method.

    That would look something like this…

    Monday – Push

    Tuesday – Pull

    Wednesday – Legs

    Thursday – Rest

    Friday – Cardio

    Saturday – Push

    Sunday – Pull

    Monday – Legs

    Abs tagged to the end of all/any workout as you wish.

    Subscribe Now

    By Female Lifters, For Female Lifters

    By subscribing to Lipstick Lifters weightlifting workout plans for women, you agree that you have read, understood and accept our Terms and Conditions.

    How many reps/sets should I perform?

    Each plan will tell you how many reps/sets to perform for both beginner and intermediate lifters. Once you've worked through enough you will be able to determine this for yourself based on your personal goals.

    Generally, beginners should keep it simple; 3-6 sets of 10-12 reps is good to start with.

    Moving on there are various rep/set ranges you can adopt, depending on your desired outcome.

    Other methods include drop sets, supersets, pyramid sets and other more advanced rep/set ranges.

    One of our bonus member guides teaches you all about a wide range of rep/set methods, and our workout plans use various rep/set ranges, so there’s enough to keep your workouts fresh forever!

    How Often Should I Change My Workout Plan?

    You should change your workout routine every 6-12 weeks, depending on what plan you are working with and how you progress.

    Pre-built plans and packs will tell you how long to use them for.

    What Are Some Signs That I Need To Change My Workout Plan?

    As mentioned above, you should change every 6-12 weeks, avoid working the same plan for longer than 12 weeks. If you like the plan you’re working on, you can come back to it later with a different rep/set method.

    The reason you need to change your workout plan is not just to avoid a plateau. When you repeat the same plan over and over you get really good at it, but you don’t really allow yourself to get good at anything else. This can lead to you neglecting muscle groups, which in turn breeds unintended weaknesses and imbalances, it can also stunt your progress.

    Besides the length of time you’ve been doing the plan, another key sign you need to change is when it becomes too easy.

    Why Do Some Plans Have Similar Exercises Targeting The Same Muscles?

    Because this is how you build a weightlifting workout plan that gets the best results. All exercises hit differently and belong at different stages of your workout, so if you see a plan that has 2 different squat variations, it’s for this reason.

    To give you an example, if your workout starts with a barbell back squat, you may later on in the same workout do some goblet squats. The barbell back squat moves a much bigger load, and as you start to fatigue you can move to the lighter load of the dumbbell or kettlebell and position it in a front rack position. It’s still a squat, but the weight is lighter and distributed differently. This helps you to squeeze out more reps.

    And to take it one step further, you can add a leg press at the end and train your legs to complete failure with the machine to assist.

    How Should I Warm Up Before A Weightlifting Workout?

    There are two main approaches to warming up before a weightlifting workout plan:

    A general warm up or a target muscle warm up. A general warm up would be something like a circuit, HIIT training or anything else that warms the whole body up.

    A target muscle group warm up is as simple as performing exercises that you intend to perform in the workout you’re about to do, but with a lighter weight to get your target muscles working before you load them with much heavier weights.

    Most lifters do both; a general warm up, and then a few light reps before going all in on the bigger lifts.

    What are the most common weightlifting goals at Lipstick Lifters?

    An ongoing poll on this website tells us that the majority of women who find Lipstick Lifters are most interested in building strength and power.

    The strength and power goal is closely followed by aesthetics, fat loss, health, and general wellbeing.

    Other common goals are to simply feel empowered or compete as an amateur in a bodybuilding or powerlifting competition. If you intend to go pro – we recommend you get a dedicated coach.

    Are there any specific workout plans to support competitive powerlifting or bodybuilding?

    Yes, we have both beginner and intermediate workout plans for both bodybuilding and powerlifting. You can get started with one of our 6-week packs. But these are just the start. As previously mentioned - if you intend to go pro, we strongly recommend getting a local coach.

    Why Does Exercise Order Matter When Building A Weightlifting Workout Plan?

    When you start with the most physically challenging exercise you boost your muscle growth potential for the rest of the workout.

    At the start of your workout, you’re fresh, ready to go and have the most power in you at that point. Use that power to set yourself up to move as much weight as possible in your workout (after warming up of course – never skip the warm up)!

    As you work your way through the above stages your targeted muscle groups are put under more and more resistance. And as they fatigue you work with smaller weights and even recruit the assisted machines to help you push out those last reps.

    In using this method your muscle building potential grows substantially.


    Simply put; the muscle tears, very slightly as you continue to apply resistance throughout your workout.

    And then after the workout, your body works to repair those tiny tears in the muscle, making them grow bigger each time.

    Think of it like your body stitching those tears back together, and each time it leaves a tiny gap so that the muscle can build itself up to fill it.

    This is why it is necessary to leave time between training muscle groups, your muscles need a day or two at least to repair. And that is why DOMS (delayed-onset muscle soreness) happens – your body is in recovery mode.

    That concludes your crash course in how muscle is built.

    Do these weightlifting workout plans help with fat loss?

    On their own, they don’t.

    Fat loss happens primarily through your diet. Simply put, a calorie deficit.

    We don’t assume all women want to lose body fat and we do not push diet plans on anyone. That said, we have written some extensive articles to help you make informed decisions about your diet if you would like. See our articles fat loss category here.

    You may also be interested in checking out some of these calculators that can assist you with fat loss.

    But wait. Hold up!

    Before you go, you should know that these workout plans most certainly do complement a fat loss goal, and they’re better than cardio!

    Because the more lean muscle you have, the more calories your body burns both during your workout and at rest. In short, muscle tissue helps you burn more overall calories by default..

    What’s not to love about that?

    You can learn more about how strength training supports fat loss here.

    I want to burn body fat with cardio, should I do this first?

    You can, but it’s not necessary, and depending on your long-term goal, you may sabotage your efforts.

    The largest portion of fat burn is a result of what you eat, with only a small percentage influenced by how you exercise.

    Yes, cardio burns fat. But you can’t out-run a bad diet. Also, excessive cardio in an extreme calorie deficit often leads to muscle wastage.

    Let your workout plan be about building physical strength and lean muscle.

    If you want to burn fat at the same time, take an honest look at your diet and use the resources linked above to help you come up with a diet plan that will support your long-term goals. The best diet is the one you can maintain long term.

    How can I build muscle fast?

    The fastest way to build lean muscle is to put yourself in a bulking phase.

    What is bulking?

    In short; it is a matter of lifting as heavy as you can while eating in a calorie surplus.

    Eat more to burn fat? Yep!

    Temporarily though. Just while you’re trying to build as much lean muscle as possible.

    Your bulking phase will run for a specific time period (8-12 weeks for example).

    Then you go into a calorie deficit to burn fat. Also known as a ‘cut’. There’s a lot to be said for this method, see bulking and cutting for women.

    How can I access Lipstick Lifters workout plans?

    Easy! You can join for free; we offer a small selection of free plans for you to sample.

    If you want more, you can buy individual plans on a pay as you go basis.

    And if you can’t get enough, you can unlock everything right away with an annual subscription. Our annual subscription is your best value offer, it includes unlimited updates and free online support from our certified trainers.

    Can I cancel my annual subscription?

    Yes. In fact, we expect you to cancel your subscription as soon as you feel ready to face the lifting world alone. Remember, your gym independence is our success, when you’re ready to fly solo, our part in your journey is complete.

    You can cancel your subscription at any time. No questions asked. Of course; if you wish to provide feedback, it will always be welcome.

    To cancel your subscription simply email; Members@lipsticklifters.com at least 7 days prior to your next billing period.

    We are unable to guarantee cancellations within 7 days of your next billing period so please submit your cancellation request in good time.

    After your current billing cycle has ended, your account will revert to just free plans.

    What happens to pay as you go plans that I purchase?

    Pay as you go plans purchased are one off payments and will remain in your account forever. If the plan you purchased is updated, you will get the updated version free of charge – provided your account is still active. i.e. you don’t ask us to close your online account.

    Where Can I Find Full Terms And Conditions And Privacy Policy

    Full terms and conditions can be found here.

    Our privacy policy can be found here.

    Can I contact you to answer a question that isn't covered here?

    Yes of course. Email your question to; Members@lipsticklifters.com.

    We are happy to assist you with any questions related to your workout plans.

    Please note; we do not give medical advice under any circumstances.

    workout plans


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