Lipstick Lifters Members Zone

Sample Our Workout Plans For Free

Guaranteed To Make You Stronger

How It Works

Mobile First, Friendly & Fast

We know that over 80% of our members access their workout plans from mobile while in the gym. That is why we made sure that our portal is mobile friendly and fast loading - so you have no excuse for sneaking extra rest between sets!

Highlighted muscle groups tell you which muscles are targeted in that plan
All plans come with both beginner and advanced rep/set ranges
Video demonstration of each exercise, can be played directly from the thumbnail
Play full screen, portrait or landscape if you want to take a closer look!
Watch 4-6 full, clean reps. Replay the video as many times as you need

About Our Trainers

Different trainers specialise in different types of training, that is why we work with a wide variety of professionals who are not only qualified, but also experienced in training women specifically.

Their goal is not to train you, their goal is to provide you with the knowledge and support to train yourself. Your gym independence is our success.

We want to get you to the point that you know how to build lean muscle & physical strength yourself, with that independence, you can choose to burn fat and sculpt your physique. Or just keep lifting for badass strength!


What Our Members Have To Say


What About A Diet Plan?

Lipstick Lifters does not provide diet plans. Instead, we help you to understand how to eat based on your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and how you work out.

Your BMR is how many calories you body burns just keeping you alive. That number is not the same for everyone and is why we cannot all work towards the same generic daily caloric consumption.

Our online calculator uses an esitmate of your BMR to estimate your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). Your TDEE is the actual amount of calories your body burns based on your daily activity level. With that, we break down your daily caloric requirements into macronutrients; proteins, fats and carbs.

And because we want to help you build lean muscle and strength, we favour a higher protein requirement.

Everything else is on you, we give you the numbers and the information, it’s up to you to pay attention to the foods you consume and how much. Do your best to fit the macros provided by the calculator.

You don’t have to eat this way forever, we just want you to do it long enough that you understand which food choices serve your goals and which ones do not.

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For Beginner & Advanced Lifters

If you’ve never touched a weight in your life, we have beginner plans to get you started.

If you’re an experienced lifter looking for fresh workouts, we have advanced & pro methods to help you up your game.

By subscribing to Lipstick Lifters weightlifting workout plans for women, you agree that you have read, understood and accept our Terms and Conditions.