Ladies, if you want to see quick results from your workouts, it’s time to change what you’re looking at. Because the outcomes women typically look at; losing weight, burning fat, building muscle, changing our physique, all take time. These results require consistent effort over an extended period of time—years in most cases.
So what do you do when you want to see quick results?
You shift your focus.
Because the truth is, you do get quick results from your workouts, you’re just looking in the wrong place. You’re looking at your long-term goal with a short-term mindset. What you should be doing is looking at your short-term goals with a long-term mindset.
Focus On Physical Strength
I know, I know, I sound like a broken record with this “focus on physical strength” thing, but let me tell you, after 10 years of Lipstick Lifters (it’s our 10th birthday next month) and over 5000 women using our workout plans; focusing on physical strength is your game changer.
When you focus on how much you’re lifting, how many squats and deadlifts you can do, how long you can hold a plank, etc, you will see that you’re getting results in a week.
Don’t believe me?
Try this…
For the next 7 days; every other day, perform 3 planks, hold for as long as possible (time yourself with a stopwatch).
Take 2 days rest, and on day 10 hold a plank for as long as possible.
Guaranteed you’re holding that last plank for longer than your first, even if just for a second (hint! It will be more than one second).
Now consider what else you can do. You can apply that same formula to any exercise.
Do it with bicep curls, easy… For 7 days, every other day, perform 3 sets of 10 bicep curls, using an amount of weight that you start to struggle with on the 8th rep.
Take 2 days rest, and on day 10 try to curl the heavier weight. Guaranteed you will have stronger biceps.
Try it with squats, in fact; we have an entire squat challenge dedicated to proving this point.
We even have a deadlift your bodyweight challenge along with some other free stuff that we send out to all of our mailing list subscribers after signing up.
The point is, you are going to build physical strength much faster than you may think and we have multiple plans and systems to prove it.
Strength Workouts Get Quick Strength Results
All of our workout plans are geared towards making you physically stronger first, everything else our plans do and everything else you want from your workout efforts will come to you in the process.
The problem is, most people just don’t stay in the game long enough to get the big results.
Well, nothing worth having comes easy, you either commit yourself to the process, or you stay stuck.
Nobody is perfect and nobody needs to be. Small, incremental and consistent efforts over an extended period of time add up to big results.
Fast Track Workouts
We’ve got over 130 plans ready to go right now, but if you’re looking for workouts that get quick results, in terms of physical strength, then these fast track workout packs are an ideal place to start:
Back Blasting Fast Track Pack
This fast track pack is a simple yet intense back workout.
Boob Boosting Fast Track Pack
This fast track pack is a simple yet intense chest workout.
Killer Leg Fast Track Pack
This fast track pack is a simple yet intense leg workout.